Honolulu City Council Ignoring Voters Urging a Resolution in Support of the People of Okinawa?

Rodney HeaderFellow Hawaii Okinawans,

Ever wonder why unlike Berkeley and Seattle (which don’t have the Okinawan population that we do), cities that have already voiced their support for Okinawa and its people, our illustrious Honolulu City Council is dragging its feet in putting forth a resolution in support of the Okinawan people in Okinawa?

Perhaps it wants to make sure the resolution is approved by the Japanese Consulate here in Hawaii, first, as they did with the original.

The Japanese Consulate?

Who does the Honolulu City Council represent? Their Honolulu constituents — of which many are of Okinawan stock — or the Japanese Consulate?

As the arm of PM Abe and the Japanese Government, the Japanese Consulate thought the language of the original resolution was “too inflammatory” and would embarrass the Japanese Government.

My immediate question: Why does the Japanese Consulate have a say in this?

Seems to me the Japanese Consul wants the resolution to be so benign that it wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

In the meantime, the Japan Times‘ Jon Mitchell reports that the “U.S. washes hands of rights violations at Okinawa helipad site” (8/31/16).

This entry was posted in Government, International, Japan, Op-ed, Protest, Resolution. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Honolulu City Council Ignoring Voters Urging a Resolution in Support of the People of Okinawa?

  1. loochoo77 says:

    Rodney, nifee deebiru for having the courage to keep this issue of the over-militarization of Okinawa on the table. It seems our community and political leaders, too, are less than concerned about the Okinawans’ ongoing battle against the Japanese government’s complicity in burdening the people of Okinawa with 70% of the U.S. military presence in Japan on their tiny islands, which make up less than 1% of Japan’s land mass.

    Btw, what is the HUOA’s stand on this issue? Has it come out in strong support of the people of Okinawa in removing most if not all the U.S. bases from Okinawa? As the umbrella organization for Hawaii Okinawans, it has tremendous influence.

    I’ve read Governor Ige’s comments on this issue, and they seem to be lukewarm at best and a cop out at worst. It seems that, as far as he’s concerned, it’s not his kuleana. Am I wrong? Have I misinterpreted his comments? -Jim

  2. Andy Ajimine says:

    It’s all about the “votes” perhaps we should vote as a “block” and send them a message. We need to find politicians who will vote on issues that is relevant to our “Uchinaanchu Identity” and our support of our “mother land” and ancestors. I am “Nisei” so these issues are close to my heart and my family who are all culture sensitive. Many issues in Uchinaa are the same and similar issues as here in Hawai’i, especially in regards to our environment and way of life.
    If our politicians don’t support our issues we shouldn’t support them neither and vote them out.

  3. Eugene Uchima says:

    What ever the case may be, the “Uchinanchu”, has very deep roots in Hawai’i Nei, I am “sansei”, may have lost my way, but trying to do my best to get back on track and reconnect with my roots, my first step is listening to traditional music, how soothing, uplifting and vibrant it is. You politicians should take note.

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